Sunday, March 21, 2010

Curtains Galore

My very talented mother is making BFF curtains for her house. They are fabulous. I am so mad that I bought curtains from the store, I just want to take mine down and burn them. UGHH! One day, when I have a house, I will have curtains made from fabulous fabric that I pick out! I am so jealous of BFF's curtains. However, I kept my jealousy to a minimum when she asked me to help hang the brackets. I am by no means, the best curtain rod hanger.. but I did try my darndest. I only have two pictures, but don't worry.. there will be more. I am going to her house today to take pics.

Yep, there is no MAN job that I can't handle. I do it all!! I mow, weedeat, use power tools, saw, etc.
Here is the end result for the living room window. I didn't get the measurements exact, so the curtains hang a little more on the floor than BFF would like.. so she is going to move the rods up a little bit. (I probably won't get invited over for that job, since I screwed it up)

Here is the living room. Aren't you jealous? I AM!

1 comment:

Anna said...

I like this! So, yes, I'm jealous too. Very nice!